Saturday, July 30, 2011

Drop Your Expectations

This has been an intention of mine for years! The first time I was introduced to this idea was in my first training with Baron Baptiste. He had us each tell what we expected to get out of the week, and then asked us to Drop Our expectations. Really? I paid a lot of money for this training and had lots of expectations! But what seem ridiculous to me at first was exactly what I needed.

My whole life has been planned out in my head, in great detail. Every job, relationship, vacation, training, day off, you name it. But this was me having a certain idea of how things had to go in order for me to be happy, feel safe, or loved. And if things didn't live up to my expectations (and how could they?), I was always disappointed, frustrated and even more determined to have a better plan next time. What a vicious cycle.

Many vacations, special events and moments have been ruined by something not going according to my grand perfect plan. And rather than embracing the authenticity of each moment, I resisted and rejected what I viewed as flawed. I have pushed people away because they did not live up to my inflated expectations of the perfect BFF, Sister, Boyfriend, etc. I have given up on myself more times than I can count because I was not as perfect as I thought other people expected me to be.

Over time I have come to see that when I approach each day with no expectations, what I actually receive is freedom and possibility. The moments that have gone off track have been the most fun, most adventurous moments of my life. I now allow people to show up as they really are, not how I want them to be. I allow situations to unfold in an organic way, manifesting love and truth. A great man once told me "When you hold on to Nothing, you can receive Everything" This would be impossible to do if we hold on to our great expectations.

My biggest challenge now is dropping my idea of what I think people expect of me. I am trying to allow myself to show up authentically, flaws and all. I'm not the perfect teacher, or yogi, or friend or daughter. But I am no longer willing to limit myself through over inflated expectations, and I am ready to embrace every day as it comes, and get washed in the natural flow of life. What other people think of me is really none of my business.

Through Dropping Our Expectations we are even taking steps toward non judgement and acceptance. It is only our expectations that cause us to label a situation or a person as Good or Bad. We have no control over other peoples actions, we can control our reactions to them.

When we are free from Expectations, we allow the rest of the world to be free as well! My Mantra this month is "Good Day or Bad Day, no Expectations". Cant wait to see what blossoms!

Beth Thomas

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